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How Hot Are You On Twitter? Twitempearture Tells Your So...

Posted by Shuheb | 21:20 | , | Comments

If you want to know how "hot" or "cold" on Twitter, you can head to Twitemperature and find out so. Twitempeature is a special start-up that measures the "temperature" of your interaction in the microblogging community and taking into consideration of what tweets you post rather than the number of followers or updates you've.

To find out your "temperature", simply punch in your Twitter username into the form and click "Tell me if I'm hot!". Your "temperature" will then be shown with a photo grabbed from Flickr and a statement accompanied. Since this app doesn't requires you to enter your Twitter credentials, you can search how hot are your friends are and compare the results.

Twitemperature is created by two interesting people - C.K. and Ryan.